Purifying our Natural Spring water
Nanton Water & Soda Ltd. transports our Natural Spring Water by an aseptic tanker truck, from 10 Kilometers West of the town of Nanton, Alberta, to our production facility in the town. The Natural Spring Water is then pumped into our holding tanks inside the facility.
We begin the purification process by ozonating the water to 0.3 ppm, at which time it is ready for bottling. The water is then passed through a 2 stage filtration process, a 3 micron nominal filter and a 1 micron absolute filter before it reaches the bottle filler.
As each product is produced, random samples are picked from the line and tested in our Quality Assurance lab on a daily basis and documented. These samples are stored in our lab for up to two years.
Our spring water is actually pure and free of contaminants such as heavy metals, petroleum, and industrial derivatives, which some city tap water may contain.

We comply with all food safety requirements & legislation
Nanton Water & Soda Ltd., is committed to producing safe, quality water products that meet or exceed our customer's expectations. Our goal is to comply all the time with food safety requirements, all applicable food legislation (CFIA, FDA & Health Canada) and any other legal and regulatory obligations and customer expectations.
Raw materials are only sourced from companies with the highest standards and Good Manufacturing Practices in compliance with Health Canada, the FDA and CFIA.
Our Executive Management is committed to providing adequate resources necessary to ensure compliance to SQF Code requirements and all other applicable requirements as required by Health Canada, the CFIA and the FDA.
Our Food Safety Management system strives to put forth regular efforts to consistently improve through documented senior management reviews, meetings, monitoring and measuring compliance with our food safety, quality objectives and key performance indicators. All of our products are laser coded on each bottle with an expiry date as they are produced – two years from the production date.
Sourced from the Eastern Edge of the Rocky Mountains
Nanton Spring Water comes from a private source (aquifer) West of Nanton, Alberta, Canada in the Municipality of Willow Creek, which is on the Eastern Edge of the Rocky Mountains. The water is obtained under a water license issued to Nanton Water & Soda Ltd. by the Province of Alberta.

What is an Aquifer?
Artesian water, as defined by the FDA, is bottled water from a well that taps a confined aquifer (a water-bearing underground layer of rock or sand) in which the water level stands at some height above the top of the aquifer. Unlike a spring, it does not naturally emerge to the surface.
The Earth itself, has an amazing and self-contained filtration system, filtering water through rock and sand collecting healthful minerals along the way.